Saturday, 25 April 2015

Design changes

"The first step towards getting somewhere is with changes, otherwise you are just going to stay where you are..."
So working with biomimicry I was going to use the butterfly as my inspiration source, but it felt like the design proses was going nowhere and it was not fitting in with the over all identity.
So it pushed me to look for mew inspiration with biomimicry...
Soooo with help and guides form my lecturer and classmates came to the conclusion to rather use the chameleon as my biomimicry inspiration.
The Chameleon work's so well with what I'm am going to do with my proposed designs with the whole transformation form seeing the old historical building on the outside to a whole new contemporary take on the inside with new design elements.
Just like the chameleon with its changing of the colour of its skin, its a whole new transformation form one look to another... and their are so much more ways the chameleon in inspiring my design proses.
So much more exited about my design then before, it feels like I'm going somewhere!!!

 Their tail
Their tongue
Their way of life
Their eye's
 Their skin

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