Monday, 27 April 2015

working on space planning again...

Almost have my final space planning done...

AND another computer programe...

We also learned a new computer program called InDesign.
This is where you can create books, magazines, layouts, etc....

Here are images from the internet what it looks like...

learning so much here at NMMU Interior Design...
feeling so privileged..

Learning another 3D programe

Here are images from the internet of what is possible to do with this 3D Computer program
Still in the learning proses but very exited to bring
My Restaurant Design
to life in this program
The detail and scale of this program is amazing

Material finishes

Material finishes inspired from the historical building

Concept Sketches

Doing concept sketches with inspiration from all the different patterns, textures, materials and structural construction from our diverse and beautiful cultures in South Africa

Pattern Inspiration

A pattern I will definitely use in my new designs and in branding is the pattern seen on the exterior of the building as seen in this image

Over all Inspiration collage

For the over all inspiration I'm going for is the blending between the old and the new
The time period the building was built, to bring back the historical architectural beauty and to emphasise it, as well using the structural method of the building as inspiration to construct the new design elements in the space. Elements like architectural detail and material finishes in the building will be used in new designs but in a contemporary way.
When designing these new elements to the building they will also be influenced by patterns and textures from selected cultures in the time period we live in today as a different South Africa as what is was when the building was built.
These new design elements to the building will tell a story of where we came from as South Africans and who we are today...
Because in my design I want to tell a story throughout my space, a historical story of the buildings life, what has happened around it over these 149 years its been standing on Fleming street...
As one of my target groups, this will be a wonderful dinning experience in Port Elizabeth where they can learn more about us as South Africans as well as the architecture and history of Port Elizabeth...
As the chameleon blends in with its surroundings
So do we blend in with our circumstances as things around us change, like how South Africa has changed from 1994 and how we all adapted to that beautiful change..
Seen in this picture below you can see how everything's blends, yet so different but works so well together!!!
This image in a combination of Xhosa, Kio-san, Indian and European cultures, displayed with patterns, textures and colours than moving together to create new contemporary design elements in the restaurant.

A beautiful blend...

Water paint

As I'm displaying historical art of Port Elizabeth in my restaurant I got inspired to use water paint in my branding....


Playing around with a colour scheme

The colours I want for my restaurant, I want to be warm (perfect for a restaurant) and also fits in with our beautiful warm African sun rise...

The first colour I want to use is green because of the important to history to me about my building and surrounding areas of the lost gardens... to bring back the greenery

Then I want to use a contrasting colour to go with the contrast between the exterior of the historical building and the new contemporary interior details...

So my colour scheme is GREEN AND RED...

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Back to work....

Doing some research on historical names and details for my Technical drawings of my exiting building
Books know best

My Hero

This all would not have been possible if it wasn't for this man...
My Hero!!
My dad!!
A man that will give his all to see his kids happy
Thank you for this incredible opportunity, Pappa

Graduate Class of 2014

Strangers that became classmates
classmates that became friends
Friends that became sisters
we have done it!!
It's been tough but jet exiting three years with all kids of emotions but we made it together...
One more year to go 2015 BTech Interior Design...

Me looking all smart...

N DIP in Interior Design
3years Diploma

Getting ready for graduation

SO between all the work something exiting happens!!! graduation!!!
And being a girl and not getting so many opportunities to dress up, do makeup, hair...
A selfie had to happen!!!

Getting a lesson on restaurant kicthen designing

Their is so much so consider and think about...
so back to the drawing board...
To do list: Kitchen space planning

Creating design elements

 Just a few concept sketches of a new contemporary structure...

Working on space planning

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Design changes

"The first step towards getting somewhere is with changes, otherwise you are just going to stay where you are..."
So working with biomimicry I was going to use the butterfly as my inspiration source, but it felt like the design proses was going nowhere and it was not fitting in with the over all identity.
So it pushed me to look for mew inspiration with biomimicry...
Soooo with help and guides form my lecturer and classmates came to the conclusion to rather use the chameleon as my biomimicry inspiration.
The Chameleon work's so well with what I'm am going to do with my proposed designs with the whole transformation form seeing the old historical building on the outside to a whole new contemporary take on the inside with new design elements.
Just like the chameleon with its changing of the colour of its skin, its a whole new transformation form one look to another... and their are so much more ways the chameleon in inspiring my design proses.
So much more exited about my design then before, it feels like I'm going somewhere!!!

 Their tail
Their tongue
Their way of life
Their eye's
 Their skin

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Space planning with design elements

As I'm now up to date with all my hand in's I can focus on my design work, so knowing how my building structure works and I've got all my design theories and precedent studies to get inspiration from I can now ding deep with the new design of my restaurant...

First focusing on my space planning with my kitchen being my main focus at the moment and looking at the type of food I'll be serving and how many people will be served.

Working on my space planning I got inspired by my one theory, Biomimicry to use a specific element to and work with that as my main inspiration.
The element I'm going to use is he beautiful and maleficent insect "The Butterfly"
This insect has so many element to work with from saving energy, sustainability, structures, beautiful small design element, The way it moves and fly, it life proses from a worm-cocoon-butterfly
So now it using these elements and brining it into my design
EXITED MUCH!!!!!!!! 


My first week back...

As this was the first week of the second term 
it was also my first time back after my operation soooo...

Their was many things to catch up and hand in this week:

-All the technical drawing from location plan, site plan, 3 floor plans, 2 sections and 4 external elevation was handed in.

-All design theories and precedent studies documents was handed in.
-In Design, space planning was discussed and work on.
-I also stared learning a new computer rendering program called
"3D MAX"