Friday, 27 March 2015

it's been a while...

It's been a while since I have posted something on my blog... the reason being I have been recovering from a very bad appendix surgery the last 3 weeks but I am glad to say I am strong and doing much better...

With the help of AMASING class mates and lecturers I am keeping on track and working hard to get work done so when I go back to varsity next term I can continue the incredible journey with my fellow Btech class mates!!!

Our Btech group is like a family, always their for each other and always their to help...and they shore know how to make you feel special....

So l came in to varsity this week just to talk to my lecturers and show them where I am with work and to get feedback form them whilst getting spoiled with cake, flowers and get well soon cards from my class friends...

So a big thanks to everyone!!!!

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